•技术,自动化和IT/ IS在质量管理中的作用及与员工授权关系
Srinivasan, A., Kurey, B. (2014). Creating a culture of quality.Harvard Business Review. Apr, 92(4): 23-25.
Metricstream report (2014). What is Your Company's Cost of PoorQuality (CoPQ) - Tools for calculating and reducing
it.http://www.metricstream.com/insights/costofPoorQuality_home.htm(Lastaccessed on 16th April 2014).
Angappa Gunasekaran教授(总编)
北达特茅斯,MA 02747-2300,USA
Nachiappan Subramanian教授
宁波315 100,中国
电话:+86 574 8818 0197
电话:+852 2766 7296
Call for Papers: Quality Management in the 21stCentury Enterprises
Although quality management became popular in the 80’s and 90’s, 21st century enterprises are still struggling with the concept. Recent product recalls by General Motors and Toyota are notable examples of serious quality management issues that have led to substantial profit losses because of the increase in the costs of poor quality. Service enterprises have multiple quality challenges in offering affordable care and innovation through service design and delivery processes. These perennial quality challenges raise the questions of where we are in the quality journey and how far traditional quality management practices and methods have absorbed changes in product development stages, cycle time compression, and employee strain to match demand and customer expectations in the 21st century enterprises.
A recent study (Srinivasan and Kurey, 2014) confirms that an excellent quality environment can be created through a true culture where every employee should have a passion to imbue rather than simply follow mundane rule-based techniques, such as quality control tools or imitation of best procedures.Creating passion through leadership emphasis, message credibility, peer involvement, employee ownership, and autonomy may substantially reduce the cost of poor quality and the total cost for quality initiatives (Srinivasan andKurey, 2014). The cost of poor quality is estimated to range from 5% to 30% of gross sales for manufacturing and service companies (Metricstream report,2014). The good news is that companies with a highly developed culture of quality spend on average $350 million less than companies with poorly developed quality cultures (Srinivasan and Kurey, 2014).
Clearly, due focus is essential in capturing the human aspects of quality dimensions in meeting customer expectations, peer-driven target setting, grass roots autonomy, employee empowerment, good credibility, and accountability inaddition to rule-based techniques in the economic performance of 21st century enterprises. The purpose of this issue is to unpack the challenges in blending the soft aspects (human aspects) of quality and the evolutionary strategies,tactics and methods to create quality culture. The target is to identify the soft and hard control limits of quality to deal with problems, such as inflexibility, high levels of customization, lengthy supply chains, and monitoring of suppliers. The focus is on exploring innovative business applications of quality. Economics, business, and decision-making will play an important role in the submissions, rather than statistical quality control techniques. This special issue aims to serve as a forum of exchange of new research results in quality management, while focusing on creating the right climate, cultures, and strategies for quality improvement in the 21st century enterprises.
Researchers can contribute their perspective on how to build a novel quality culture that pays due attention to strategies, tactics and methods that include, human dimensions to improve firm’s economic performance. Some potential research topics on quality management in the 21st century enterprises are given below:
· The basic role that quality plays in the economic performance of companies
· Decision models related to contemporary quality management
· Costs of poor quality decision models with customer expectations and credibility
· Contemporary lean techniques and economical influences in manufacturing and services
· New performance measures and metrics for peer-driven target settings and customer expectations
· Outsourcing/offshoring quality challenges in the 21st logistics and supply chain operations
· Continuous improvement strategies and models that results in minimal viable change and pivoting
· Business models and tactics for peer involvement of employees within enterprises
· Sophistication in quality standards, practices and methods to gain sustainable competitive advantage
· Emerging philosophies and business tactics that looks beyond total quality management and six sigma
· Business models that studies quality management influencein a multi-cultural environment
· Role of technology, automation and IT/IS in quality management and its relationship with employee empowerment
· Role of product innovation, design (R&D) and gross root autonomy in quality management
· Leadership emphasis and process flexibility in achieving economical sustainability
· Capturing message credibility and supplier involvement aspects in qualify function deployment
We seek cutting edge developments, interesting concepts, innovative practices and research opportunities in quality management for the 21st century enterprises.We highly encourage authors to submit empirical studies and methodologies adapted in the studies that could extend from mathematical models to simulation, and conceptual models with suitable case studies or large scale survey.
Manuscriptsshould be submitted not later than 30 November 2015 and should confirm to international journal of production economics format (see IJPE website @ http://www.elsevier.com/journals/international-journal-of-production-economics/0925-5273/guide-for-authors forauthor guidelines). Please submit your article via the EEShttp://ees.elsevier.com/ijpe/ and select “Special Issue: Quality Management” when it prompts to indicate the“Article Type” in the submission
Srinivasan,A., Kurey, B. (2014). Creating a culture of quality. Harvard BusinessReview. Apr, 92(4): 23-25.
Metricstreamreport (2014). What is Your Company's Cost of Poor Quality (CoPQ) - Tools forcalculating and reducing it.http://www.metricstream.com/insights/costofPoorQuality_home.htm(Lastaccessed on 16th April 2014).
· Manuscript submission: 30 November 2015
· Reviewer reports: 30 April 2016
· Revised paper submission: 30 July 2016
· Final manuscript submissions to publisher: 30 November2016
Professor Angappa Gunasekaran (Managing Editor)
Department of Decision and Information Sciences
Charlton College of Business, University of Massachusetts
North Dartmouth, MA 02747-2300, USA
Tel: +1 (508) 999-9187
Email: agunasekaran@umassd.edu
Professor Nachiappan Subramanian
Nottingham University Business School China
University of Nottingham, Ningbo
Ningbo 315 100, China
Tel: +86 574 8818 0197
Professor Eric Ngai
Department of Management and Marketing
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Hong Kong, China
Tel: +852 2766 7296
Email: mswtngai@polyu.edu.hk