提交之前,作者应仔细阅读过该杂志的“投稿须知”。审查过程将遵循该须知。未来的作者应在EES上,通过投稿系统,选择文章类型为“OM -O2O时代”来提交完整稿件的电子版,时间表如下:
Desheng Dash Wu,多伦多大学和中国科学院。[管理客座编辑]
Tsan-Ming Choi (Jason),香港理工大学。
Xiaohang Yue,威斯康星大学密尔沃基分校。
Call for papers: Emerging Issues in Multi-Channel Operations Management in the O2O Era
Constructing a flexible supply chain of consumer product has been a fundamental issue inproduction economics. Over the past decades, supply chains have evolved from single-channel systems (e.g., via bricks and mortar stores) to multiple-channelsystems. Nowadays, with the advance of mobile technologies and e-commerce,consumer products are experiencing the revolution of O2O community services. It is hence critical to develop innovative strategies for improving operations management in the respective multi-channel supply chains. Meanwhile, because the sellers can also access to massive amount of consumer demand information via the Internet, building a supply chain is also highly related to the big data analysis and comprehensive sales operations planning ability. This calls for a more flexible supply chain to deal with the online and offline issues of supply as well as demand in operations.
The purpose of this special issue is to publish high-quality theoretical and application oriented papers addressing recent advances on multi-channel operations management and production economics issues in the O2O era with an emphasis on the real world motivated studies. Original, high quality contributions that are neither published nor currently under review by any other journals are sought.Potential topics include, but are not limited to:
· Manufacturing strategies in O2O supply chains
· Market segmentation schemes to optimize multi-channelsupply chain operations
· Game theoretic economics analysis in multi-channel production systems
· Outsourcing services with inventory challenges in multiple channels
· Consumer heterogeneity and O2O supply chain design
· Optimizing O2O supply chains under information asymmetry
· Third party logistics services for O2O operations.
· Data analytics in O2O operations management
· O2O inter-city express logistics ability and optimization
· Marketing promotion and cost efficiency in O2O supplychains
· O2O service operations management
· Quality management in the O2O environment
· O2O issues in service system engineering
· O2O banking services and banking operations
· O2O production economics analysis
· Manufacturing systems optimization in the O2O environment
Manuscriptpreparation and submission
Before submission, authors should carefully read over the journal's "Instructionsfor Authors". The review process will follow the journal's practice.Prospective authors should submit an electronic copy of their complete manuscript via the manuscript submission system by selecting the article typeas ‘OM – O2O Era’ in EES, according to the following timetable:
Manuscript Due | 31 December, 2016 |
First Round of Reviews | 15 May, 2017 |
Publication Date | 31 December, 2017 |
Guest editors:
Desheng Dash Wu, Universityof Toronto, and University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. [Managing GuestEditor]
Tsan-Ming Choi (Jason), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
XiaohangYue, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.